Understanding each report’s strengths and weakness can help you choose the most appropriate one for you.
Sometimes shareholders, investors or creditors need assurance about a company’s financial statements and whether they accurately represent the true financial position of the company. This could be due to financial lending covenants, bonding agreement or for companies who wish to have a professionally prepared set of financial statements. The level of risk tolerance each one will have will determine the level of assurance needed for the financial statement reporting. Understanding each report’s strengths and weakness can help you choose the most appropriate one for you.
We also perform audits for employee benefit plans subject to the Employee Retirement Security Act (ERISA) regulations under the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) regulations. Generally, the DOL requires an employee benefit plan with 100 or more participants to have an annual audit. It is critical to choose a firm experienced in performing these audits to meet your fiduciary duty. An Employee Benefit Plan audit can be a complex undertaking and requires specialized auditing standards. Our experience professionals ensure full compliance with the applicable regulations for this specialized area.
We can provide you with quality service at a reasonable cost. Please call if you have questions about which type of report is right for you.
Assurance aims to reduce information risk by improving the quality or context of the financial information
Reach out today to see how we can serve you.
Zaversnik Abbott & Associates PLLC is a Certified Public Accounting firm located in North Austin, Texas. Our firm provides a broad range of services that span across a wide variety of industry sectors. We perform a full array of tax services, accounting and business consulting services.
We are professional, experienced and affordable. Our goal is to build long lasting relationships with our clients to help better serve them. The firm’s approach is to work as a team for all engagements in order to provide clients with the utmost quality of services aimed at helping them succeed.
930 S. Bell Blvd Ste 402
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Zaversnik Abbott & Associates PLLC is a Certified Public Accounting firm located in North Austin, Texas, that performs a full array of tax services, accounting and business consulting services.